Nursing Complaint

Things To Consider When Responding To a Board Complaint

Facing a nursing complaint can be a nerve-wracking experience. Aside from the fact that the complaint can affect your professional reputation, the possibility that your nursing license could have stipulations against it, or could be suspended or revoked can make you feel anxious about your future. 

As a licensed nurse, you generally have the right to due process, this differs from state to state and you need to check on your state Board website as to the exact procedures to follow. You should be allowed to make your arguments and present your evidence to the Board, you should be allowed to review the documents that the Board gathers in its investigation. If they do not allow this, it may be because the statute enabling them to oversee nursing licensing does not allow it, but that is not generally the case. You can and should talk with your state Nurses’ Association if that is the case.

In this article, we take a look at four key pieces of evidence you should be able to review so that you can respond to the allegations, as well as things that you should gather.

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